Portable air conditioners require regular maintenance, including emptying the water tank. A portable air conditioner that creates a lot of water is not usually a cause for concern. But how do you know when to empty the tank?
How often you need to drain a portable air conditioner is determined by the moisture content of the air in the room where it’s installed. If you reside in a dry climate, you may only need to empty your AC unit once a month, but it might need to be drained every day if it’s very humid.
Let’s take a closer look at how to determine when to empty your portable air conditioner. We’ll also look at what occurs if your portable air conditioner is left on.
How Do Portable Air Conditioners Work?

Portable air conditioners (on Amazon) are an inexpensive and effective option to keep your entire house cool in the summer. They’re small and portable so that you can cool your bedroom or office for a fraction of the price of a traditional air conditioner. However, for your portable air conditioner to work at its best, you must learn to maintain it properly.
A portable air conditioner absorbs moisture from the warm, humid indoor air as it cools the air. This moisture collects in a reservoir inside the machine, which you must manually drain.
The generation of water indicates that your air conditioner is working properly. However, if it is producing more water than normal, this might indicate that there is a source of humidity penetrating your home’s air.
Does a Portable Air Conditioner Need a Drain Hose?
Install a drain hose if you want your portable air conditioner to run continuously. The drain pipe automatically drains the water from the condensate tank. The drain pipe connects to the condensate tank on one side and a drain on the other. The condensate hose can also be directed outside to drain.
A drain pipe will prevent water from gathering in your unit’s condensate tank. You won’t have to bother emptying the condensate tank if you’ve got a drain pipe.
However, it’s still good to keep watch over your portable air conditioner. The condensate will still be damp on the inside of the portable air conditioner. At least once a month, inspect it for mold and clean the filters.
How Often Do You Need to Drain a Portable AC Unit?
So, what factors influence how often draining is required? The size of the bucket, the precise model, settings, and temperature (particularly the humidity level) are the essential aspects.
Consider how each of these variables affects the pace of water production and drainage:
1. Climate
If you live in a dry environment, you’ll rarely need to drain your portable air conditioner. The water filling your portable air conditioner comes from cooling, heated, humid air. The air conditioner will not absorb any moisture if the air in your area is dry.
You should check your portable air conditioner’s tank at least once a month, even if you live in a dry area. It will allow you to examine your portable air conditioner’s tank for signs of mold.
Your portable air conditioner can be left on indefinitely. You can operate your air conditioner year-round if you clean the air filters and drain the condensate tank.
2. Settings
Using the wrong temperature settings may contribute to increased condensation by overworking the air conditioner, requiring it to be emptied more frequently.
The ideal option is to set the unit to the highest temperature that will still make you feel relaxed; keep in mind that every degree of temperature drop requires your AC to work harder and longer. If you’re using a gadget with a built-in heater, heat mode tends to collect more water.
3. Usage
How you operate the air conditioner also plays a role. You should know that the bucket is likely to be constantly filled if the unit runs around the clock on sweltering days. The exhaust vent on most current portable air conditioners can entirely remove moisture from your home.
The air conditioner accomplishes this by spraying water from its condensate tank onto the condenser coil. The condensate evaporates as it comes into touch with the hot condenser coil. The vapor is subsequently expelled from your home via the exhaust hose.
This procedure usually works to remove the water from the condensate tank of your portable air conditioner. Your portable air conditioner’s tank will only need to be emptied frequently in humid conditions.
However, this doesn’t mean that you should always run your air conditioner. It’s good to give your portable AC, like other mechanical equipment, occasional breaks. Turning off your portable air conditioner allows it to cool and prevents damage to its components.
Regardless of whether you turn your air conditioner off, it should shut down after cooling a room. As your space cools down to the temperature setpoint, an adequately sized air conditioner will run in 10-20 minute intervals.
If your portable air conditioner is continually running, it’s probably too small for the space. Additional sources of heat or moisture may exist in the room and must be isolated. A larger portable air conditioner will cool your area faster and more efficiently in both cases.
Why You Need to Drain Your Portable AC
- The AC unit will shut off.
This is the most common outcome. Most portable air conditioners have a built-in float switch. The float switch will turn off the air conditioner if the condensate tank fills up water.
When the tank of an air conditioner is full, it usually sounds like an alert to let you know. You’ll know when to empty the tank this way.
- The condensate tank can overflow.
You risk having water overflow if the float switch on your portable air conditioner is faulty. Although this isn’t a huge problem in and of itself, it might cause water damage to your home.
- Mold can grow in the unit.
Mold may form in air conditioners, which most people are unaware of. Mold can grow in portable air conditioners that haven’t been emptied. If water is left in your portable air conditioner’s tank, it creates a wet environment that is excellent for mold growth.
How to Drain a Portable Air Conditioner
To drain the unit’s reservoir, you can use a pan, a drain hose, or a condensate pump. Before you start draining your unit, we recommend unplugging it. Let’s look at the options:
1. Using the Drain Hose
Because there is no pump on a portable air conditioner, gravity drains the condensate. Ensure the hose is flat on the ground and trimmed to the minimum length possible to make drainage easier.
To avoid leaks, firmly secure the drain hose in place. Furthermore, a faulty drain hose connection can prevent the condensate from draining correctly. If you want to put the hose into a drain, don’t go too far because the hose won’t drain if the outlet meets the water.
You may leave the hose connected to the air conditioner to drain the water constantly. Ensure that it’s angled downward. Check your user handbook to see if your portable air conditioner has this capability.
2. Draining Into a Pan
If you choose to drain your portable air conditioner into a pan, place the pan under the drainage hub and disconnect the drain plug. Dress appropriately and stand strategically to avoid getting soaked as the condensate gushes out. You can also use towels to absorb any spilled water on your floor.
Once your air conditioner has entirely drained, reconnect the drain plug.
3. Using a Condensate Pump
Unlike a hose, the condensate pump doesn’t need to be positioned at a specific angle to work correctly. Instead, the water is pushed outside by the pump. Furthermore, you can leave the pump connected to your unit for convenience.
Condensate pumps typically have two hoses that connect to the AC and the pump and another that drains the water outside. When the condensate level reaches a certain point, the pump automatically begins to drain the condensate.
This automatic condensate pump contains a safety switch that can be used to turn off the air conditioner or activate an alert in the event of a tank overflow.
Other Portable Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

These pointers can help your portable air conditioner perform well and keep you comfortable during the summer:
1. Use a Short, Straight Exhaust Hose
A short exhaust hose reduces the chance of excessive moisture accumulating and leaking into the device, causing internal damage. Extending the exhaust hose will cause the machine to overheat, which will void the manufacturer’s warranty.
2. Turn Off Unnecessary Heat Sources
Electronic equipment and light bulbs, for example, might make your air conditioner work more to keep your home cool. Switching off or replacing some of these appliances with devices that create less heat, such as a microwave instead of an oven, might help your AC cool the house faster.
To speed up cold air circulation, combine the air conditioner with a ceiling or floor fan (on Amazon). This setup will allow you to cool down much more quickly.
3. Protect the Room From Outside Heat Sources
Portable air conditioners work best in enclosed areas. Close the windows and doors to prevent additional warm air from entering the room. Shutting windows and doors allows cold air to circulate without overworking the air conditioner.
While the AC should be placed near a window for ventilation, the best spot in the room should be selected to prevent the unit from overheating. It’s preferable to pick a spot that doesn’t get too much direct sunlight. You can also block direct sunlight from entering the room with curtains, blinds, or other window coverings.
4. Get Ahead of the Game
Cooling a hot room to a comfortable temperature takes a lot of energy. As a result, instead of starting the unit while the room is already too hot, take advantage of the room’s cooler circumstances in the morning or late afternoon.
Furthermore, when the AC merely needs to maintain a comfortable temperature rather than cooling the room, it makes less noise. If your air conditioner has a timer, set it to turn on and off at specific times.
5. Keep the Air Conditioner Clean
Proper maintenance ensures that your device runs smoothly for an extended period. Remove any filters, such as a carbon or HEPA filter from your portable air conditioner. Regularly clean or replace the AC filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Vacuum any debris or dirt that collects on the vents regularly to keep the equipment in good working order. Dirt causes the air conditioner to work too hard, reducing its lifespan. To extend the life of your air conditioner, remember to clean the casing.
Clean the exterior of your unit every few weeks, drain the water, and replace the filters. Wipe the surface clean with a gentle, wet cloth after turning off the unit. Abrasive chemicals and harsh detergents should be avoided since they can harm the surface.
6. Clean the Drain Pipe
Detachable pipes and hoses can be cleaned using a 50-50 mix of water and vinegar. When you’re through, rinse the lines with clean water and run the air conditioner on fan-only mode for 30-45 minutes to remove the vinegar smell and adequately dry the unit.
7. Deodorize
Cleaning your PAC regularly should help reduce odors, but more deodorizing treatments are available. For example, you can add a few drops of fragrant oils or a scented disinfectant to your vinegar-water mixture.
This will assist in removing any musty or moldy aromas from your portable air conditioner, leaving your home feeling clean and fresh.