If you’ve ever had a cat, then you know how annoying it can be to constantly have to change out the litter box. Usually, the cat poop needs to go straight into a trash bag, but can you actually flush it straight down the toilet?
You should never flush cat poop down the toilet. Flushing cat poop down the toilet can cause a clog as the septic system isn’t designed to handle litter. Furthermore, flushing cat poop can spread diseases that the water treatment plant isn’t prepared to handle.
Wondering what else there is to know about flushing cat poop? Let’s look at some of the reasons why you shouldn’t flush cat poop down the toilet and better ways you can handle your cat’s excrement.
Can You Flush Cat Poop?

Many people wonder if they can flush their cat’s poop down the toilet to save both time and effort. Keep in mind that if you use a litter box for your feline friend, you would not only be flushing poop down the toilet but also some of the litter.
Although a toilet is equipped to handle human waste, it’s not made to handle kitty litter. This is mostly because of what the litter is made from. Litter usually includes the compound bentonite clay, which hardens when exposed to wetness.
This means that when the litter is introduced to the water in the toilet, the compound will expand and harden, which can wreak havoc on the pipes and sewer line. Once the litter is in the pipes, the only way to remove it is to take the lines apart and replace them.
In addition to the compound in kitty litter, cat feces in and of itself can be a harmful substance to expose to humans and other animals because it contains the harmful parasite Toxoplasma.
The damaging effects of Toxoplasma can be made worse for those with compromised immune systems and women who are pregnant.
Can You Dump Cat Poop Outside?
Since it’s not suggested to flush cat poop down the toilet, how about dumping it outside, either on public or private property? The answer to this comes in the form of laws that are in place to prevent it from happening.
As previously stated, the parasite Toxoplasma, which is found in cat feces, can be harmful to some humans and other animals. When dumped outside, the risk of the parasite spreading is increased due to various factors such as rainfall carrying it to other places.
It’s also important to note that not only is dumping cat poop illegal but disposing improperly of your cat’s litter is also a violation of the law. While the law incorporates any trash that is dumped on public property, the bigger concern is that dumping your cat’s litter and feces can cause harm to others.
Is Cat Poop Compostable?
For those who are looking for more of an environmentally friendly way to dispose of their cat’s poop and litter, composting may be the solution. The question often arises, however, if cat poop and litter are compostable.
The short answer is that, yes, cat poop is a compostable waste that will eventually break down like other items you choose to use in your compost pile. There are, however, precautions that you must take since cat poop contains parasites.
Before you decide to start your compost pile with cat poop, you should ensure that you’ve done your research to understand how to do this safely. Since you’re most likely going to also include the kitty litter in your composting plans, you should ensure that the litter can be composted.
The bottom line is that if you know a thing or two about composting, then you probably already have a pile going. If this is the case, you can easily add the cat poop to the top of the pile and ensure that it’s enough to cover one layer.
Remember that cat poop contains certain parasites that can cause severe reactions in immunocompromised individuals and pregnant women. Be sure that you’re taking precautions and that you have everything you need as you begin the process.
Better Ways to Handle Your Cat’s Business

For many people, changing out a cat’s litter box can seem like the worst task in the world — and the smell of the box is unbearable. But it doesn’t have to be as bad as it seems.
Here are some helpful tips that you can use when you’re handling your cat’s business:
- As you are setting out new kitty litter boxes, add a little baking soda to the mix to ward off any foul odors.
- If you don’t already have one, consider replacing your cat’s litter box at least once per year to cut down on the extra odor being emitted in the air.
- Place your cat’s poop in a biodegradable container when you’re cleaning out the litter box. This will prevent you or your family from coming in direct contact with parasites.
- If the litter you’re currently using still allows certain cat poop smells to be emitted into your home, you may want to consider trying a different brand.
- If you really hate dealing with your litter box, consider using a specialized cat litter disposal system (on Amazon) to make things easier.
Final Thoughts on Flushing Cat Poop
Overall, there are many better ways to dispose of your cat’s poop than putting it in your toilet. If you’re trying to be environmentally friendly, composting can be a good option if you do it properly. Either way, save yourself an expensive plumbing bill and dispose of your cat’s poop properly.